Open Improv Jams - an opporunity for performers AND students to play!
Open Improv Jams are a great way for improv performers and students to play with other individuals they normally wouldn't, as well as network in the South Florida Improv Community and find out what's going on with other teams. Jams are also a great way to share new formats.
Click on the events to find links to more information and tickets! This site is still in the early stage, so if you see that an event is missing, just click the "Submit it!" link to let us know. Wanna enter your events directly (and save us work)? Contact us to find out how.
Click on the events to find links to more information and tickets! This site is still in the early stage, so if you see that an event is missing, just click the "Submit it!" link to let us know. Wanna enter your events directly (and save us work)? Contact us to find out how.